14.1 Applicability
The rules shall govern the purchase of all equipment, machinery, instruments, spare parts, chemicals, building materials, hardware, furniture, stationery, consumable and non-consumable articles and all other goods (hereinafter referred to as goods) and repair work and services (hereinafter referred to as services) required for the College for any purpose.
14.2 Definition
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Indentor” means the Head of the Department, Principal Investigators / Project Officers for Sponsored Research Schemes/ Consultancy projects. Registrar, Dy. Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Medical Officer, Store Purchase Officer , Superintendent and Workshop Supdt. Forman, Librarian, Estate Officer and any other official of the College so notified by the Principal under these rules.
- “Supplier” means a Firm, Organisation, Individual who makes an offer to the College to supply goods or services or who supplies goods or services to the College including a purchase Committee of the College.
- “Tender” means any offer for supply of goods or services received from a supplier in response to an invitation to tender published in newspaper.
- “Quotation” means any offer for supply of goods or services received or collected from a supplier other than a tender.
- “Rate Contract” means any rate contract with the DGS and D New Delhi, or Director of Suppliers and Disposals or the Controller of Stores of the State Govt. or Central Govt.
- “Item” means the total quantity of an Indent or a purchase order of any single article of service of one size or specification.
- “Taxes” means Sales Tax, Custom Duty, Excise Duty, Octroi etc.
- “Extra Charges” means packing, forwarding, collection, delivery, loading, unloading and insurance charges etc.
14.3. Purchase Power
The stores and Equipment Committee appointed by the Board of Governors of the College shall have power for purchasing goods or services up to any value, in accordance with the rules.
14.4 College Purchase Committee
The College Purchase Committee shall consist of the Indenting Head of Deptt., Registrar/ his nominee and a nominee of the Principal. The Committee shall make recommendations for all the purchases above Rs.50,000/-.
The Principal shall have power for purchasing goods or service with in these rules on Rate Contract up to any value and not on Rate Contract up to Rs.2,00,000 per item.
14.5 Indent
The indentor shall issue an indent for every purchase on a prescribed form.
14.6 Specification for Goods & Services
All indents shall specify the complete specifications for the goods or services and, except for goods on Rate Contract, spare parts, services, repair work, any specialized goods, for which there is only a single manufacturer, shall not specify any Manufacturer’s name or brand unless the Indentor considers it essential to do so for maintenance of quality of goods.
14.7 Approval or Indent
All indents except for purchase under clause 14.8 to 14.10 shall be approved by the Principal/ Registrar before any purchase action is taken.
14.8 Petty Purchases
The indentors may purchase goods or services costing up to Rs.1000/- per item exclusive of taxes and extra charges / without calling for a quotation. At a time against advance/imprest obtaining No Objection from the Registrar.
14.9 Purchases at Regulated Price
Goods such as petrol, diesel , mobile oil, kerosene, alcohol etc. for which prices are ordinarily regulated may be purchased from the Authorised dealers / Suppliers without calling for a quotation . All purchases made under this clause shall be reported to the Principal/ Registrar at the end of every month.
14.10.Servicing etc. of Vehicles
Servicing or repairs of vehicles or their spare parts may be purchased from local Garages & Dealers without calling for a quotation. Any break down repairs of vehicles enroute may be ordered & paid for by the Driver or occupant of the vehicle on behalf of the College. All purchases made under this clause shall be reported to the Principal /Registrar at the end of every month.
14.11 Purchases of Goods Articles for Entertainment of College Guests
Articles for entertainment of the College guests may be purchased up to the limits prescribed by the Principal without quotation.
14.12 Urgent Purchases
Purchase of goods or services required urgently under unavoidable circumstances may be and made with the approval of Principal through the following purchase Committee:-
Up to Rs.2,000/- Indentor and Registrar’s nominee, Asstt. level from the office.
Up to Rs.5,000/- Indentor, two nominees of Registrar (Dy. Registrar/Asstt. Registrar/ SPO/ Office Suptt. level)
Up to Rs.10,000/- Indentor, Registrar and Principal’s nominee.
Above Rs.10,000/- Special Committee to be constituted by the Principal.
Above Rs.50,000/- College purchase Committee.
The purchase Committee may visit the market in Gurdaspur or in any other city and shall affect the purchase after obtaining a minimum of three quotations and effect purchase on the basis of the lowest quoted rates subject to quality as decided by the purchase Committee.
If for any reason a purchase cannot be completed by a purchase Committee during its visit to the market, It should be reported to the Principal / his nominee who may permit making the purchase on the basis of the quotations collected by the purchase Committee.
14.13 Purchase on Rate Contract
Goods or services may be purchased against Rate Contract without calling for a quotation.
14.14. Purchase from Government Departments
Goods, repair work, spare parts and accessories or services may be purchased without calling for quotations from Govt. Department/ Emporium/ Govt. approved suppliers including Khadi
Gram Udyog Mandals and khadi Ashrams / Govt. or Public under takings or proprietary
Manufacturers/ their authorised Stockiest or Agents / Govt. approved Laboratories or from the authorised stockiest or Agents/ Govt. approved laboratories or from the authorised Agents of the project and Equipment Corporation, New Delhi on the basis of the approved price fixation formula of the corporation in consultation with the Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi or from the College or Govt. Co-operative stores or superbazars or in the case of medicines and Medical Instruments and accessories from the Manufacturers or their sales Depots, Authorised Distributors, Authorised Stockiest or Agents at Hospital Rates or where Hospital Rates do not exist or are not applicable to sales to the College, at wholesale rates.
14.15 Purchase Under Liberalised Import Rule
Goods or services may be purchased upto the amount allowed by the Govt. of India under its liberalized import Rules on the basis of a single quotation.
14.16. Purchase by Unesco Coupons
Goods or services may be purchased from Manufacturers in foreign countries against payment by UNESCO Coupons on the basis of a single quotation up to a limit of Rs.25,000/- per item.
Except for purchase under clause 14.8 up to 14.16 quotations shall be invited for all purchases from a minimum of six prospective suppliers by mailing letters Under Postal Certificate enquiries by the Registrar.
14.18. Invitation to Tender
Tenders shall be invited for purchasing an item valued at more than Rs.50,000/- exclusive of taxes and extra charges accompanied by earnest money at the rate of 2% of the value of the offer. The condition regarding earnest money may be waived off at the discretion of the Principal.
14.19. Opening of Tenders or Quotations
Quotations shall be opened in the presence of the Committee on the prescribed date and time consisting of nominee of Registrar, store purchase officer and Indentor or his nominee.
No tender or Quotation received after the prescribed date or time shall be entertained. Any quotation received from a supplier other than from a prospective supplier from whom a quotation has been invited under Clause 14.17, shall not be entertained. Telegraphic or telephonic quotations/ tender shall also not be entertained. All quotations and tenders received shall be initialled by all the members of the opening Committee. Also erasion and over writing etc. shall be duly initialed by the officer opening the quotations/ tenders otherwise the tenders / quotations will be treated as invalid.
14.20 Verification of Specifications and Preparation of Compartative Statements Etc
All valid tenders and quotations received ( e.g. beyond the purchasing power of the indentors) shall be sent to the indentor for verification whether the goods or services offered are to specifications or not and for any comments on the performance etc. of the suppliers and on the quantity to be ordered. The comparative statements shall also be prepared in the respective departments on the prescribed proforma.
14.21 Tender Committees
(a) The purchase within the purview of the Purchase Committee shall be decided by them subject to preaudit by the Dy. Registrar (A/Cs).
(b) For other purchases, there shall be a Tender Committee comprising of Registrar/ S.P.O., Dy Registrar A/C, Indentor or his representative and one staff member to be nominated by the Principal. The Tender Committee shall meet as frequently as necessary and decide the placement of the orders. The Tender Committee shall make suitable recommendations in respect of placement of an order against all tenders.
The senior most member of the Tender Committee shall act as the Chairman and the Store Purchase Officer as the convener of the Committee.
The quorum for the Tender Committee shall be three members, but in the absence of any member of the Tender Committee the Principal may nominate other member in his place for the meeting.
14.22. Lack of Offers
In the case of Tender, there shall be no limitation in respect of the minimum number of offers received.
In the case of a quotation , if the number of offers received is three or more, these shall be considered by the Tender Committee/ purchase Committee. If for any item there is only a single quotation or two quotations according to the specifications, quotations shall be called a fresh for that item from at least four new prospective suppliers and also from the Supplier who submitted a quotation for this item on the first call. The order shall be placed on the basis of any offer or offers received against both the calls.
In response to a call for quotations, if the number of offers received is less than three, these shall not be opened. Quotations shall be called a fresh from atleast four new prospective suppliers. The order shall be placed on the basis of any offer or offers received against both the calls.
If no offer to specification is received in both the calls, purchase of the item shall be deemed to be an urgent purchase and shall be dealt with as in clause 14.12.
14.23 Purchase Order
Notwithstanding what is stated in the Accounts Rules, all purchases except under Clauses 14.8 to 14.11 shall be covered by a purchase order which will be signed by the Registrar or an officer authorised by him on the basis of the decision. Further, the receipt of goods/ service from the Railway/ Transporters shall be handled by the Store purchase officer for all purchases.
A repeat order may be placed within six months of the date of first order subject to the condition that there should be no change in the rates as well as terms and conditions of supplies provided further that there shall be no more than one repeat order and for the amount exceeding the original order.
14.25 Awarding of Rate Contract
The College Principal may award Rate Contract for the supply of goods or services on the basis of tenders or quotations.
14.26 Terms and Mode of Payment
For purchase under clauses 14.8 to 14.12 the terms and mode of payment may be 100% on receipt of goods or services in proper working condition. Payment to be made by Accounts payee Cheque or Crossed Bank Draft. Advance payment may be made against depatched documents through bank if considered necessary and only to standard/ well reputed suppliers to avoid apparent risk involved. Such payment may be made only for the cost of material. However payment for the taxes incidental charges freight etc. for which supporting documents /certificates are required will be made only on proper receipt of the same. This should be clearly mentioned in the Purchase Order. The advance payment upto 90% shall be decided by the Indentor/ Tender Committee as the case may be. For advance payment above 90% the prior approval of the Principal shall be necessary.
14.27. Inspection
If the Indentor, Tender Committee or the Principal so decides, the Principal may nominate one or more officials of the College for inspection of the works of suppliers to determine their performance and competency before an order is placed.
If an order so specifies or the Indentor or the Principal so decides, the Indentor or the Principal on the basis of their purchasing power may nominate one or more officials of the College for visiting the works or Godowns etc. of the supplier to check the quality of the goods or services or to determine the progress of manufacturer of the goods or services.
14.28 Variation
Any variation in taxes or extra charges or in the mode of despatch after an order has been placed shall be approved by the Registrar. |